As an aspiring full stack developer, I am currently focusing on mastering the MERN stack. I have experience building web applications and am constantly learning and improving my skills.
What is useRef()? First of all, let's compare useRef() with useState(). The main difference between them is, a change in useState() variable will...
What is Geolocation Geolocation means, finding the current position of the user. This information can be used in several fields such as; Geotagging...
What is Cursor? Cursor is an scrollable result set, which contains results provided by the SELECT query. Normally, when you make request for...
What is a Context? Context is used to provide information about application environment, and is used to perform application level tasks. Such as;...
What is Content Provider? When one application, wants to use the data provided by the other application then Content Provider comes into the...
**What is Service? ** Service is an Android Component which performs long running tasks in background and does not provide a user interface. Service...